Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Ask for Refunding

1. In the event that we are unable to fulfill an order in the promised time.

2. If the error in processing is from our side.

Proactive Refunding: 

We may initiate a refund if there's a mismatch between a customer's personal details and the original bank records, especially if it's deemed a high-risk transaction.

Our Refund Process:

1. To request a refund, contact us via [email protected] or use our 24/7 Live Chat.

2. Upon receiving your request, we'll review your order promptly.

3. Depending on the payment method used, the refund duration might differ. For instance, PayPal refunds are typically processed within 24 hours.

Types of Refunds:

1. For products that are either not delivered or only partially delivered.

2. Full refunds are given for non-deliveries.

3. For partial deliveries, a refund will be provided for the undelivered portion.

4. Alternatively, if a refund is not preferred, we can offer a voucher of equivalent value for future orders.

Please Note: If you choose to cancel your order and it's not due to any mistake on our part, our usual policy is not to provide a refund.

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